05032022. Bosnie-Herzégovine. BIH. Sarajevo. 30ème anniversaire de l'indépendance du pays. Sarajevo derby de football (en Bosniaque : Vječiti derbi, Sarajevski derbi) est un match entre rivaux de la capitale de la Bosnie-Herzégovine FK Željezničar Sarajevo (bleu) et FK Sarajevo (bordeaux), les deux clubs les plus grands et les plus populaires du pays. La rivalité entre le FK Željezničar et le FK Sarajevo, se réfère à l'antagonisme entre les deux clubs. Victoire 2 à 0 du FK Željezničar. 05032022. Bosnia and Herzegovina. BIH. Sarajevo. 30th anniversary of the country's independence. Sarajevo football derby (in Bosnian: Vječiti derbi, Sarajevski derbi) is a match between capital city rivals of Bosnia and Herzegovina FK Željezničar Sarajevo (blue) and FK Sarajevo (burgundy), the two biggest and most popular clubs from the country. The rivalry between FK Željezničar and FK Sarajevo, refers to the antagonism between the two clubs. 2-0 victory for FK Željezniča.
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