Novembre 2007. Kosovo. Mitrovica nord. Camp rom collé à la ligne de chemin de fer où des trains passent tous les jours. L'environnement est nocif à cause d'usines avoisinantes, la population est malade. Depuis la guerre au Kosovo, la population rom de Mitrovica est haïe par les Albanais et rejettée par les Serbes. November 2007. North Mitrovica. Cesmin lug camp. 43 families of Rrom live in this camp near the railway train, and the dangerous - for health - factory of Zvecan at Trepca, since the end of the war. Before they were living at Novi Sad and Belgrad. They're living in an extreme pauverty and having a lot of problems to find work. Only 10 persons of the camp are working as cleaners for the town. 47 families of this camp were send into barracks in the south of Mitrovica and the families who stayed there want to go into solid house too. Rrom community is a forgotten minority in Kosovo during the discussions about independance and have many problems with Albanians and Serbians communities.
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